When you need to make a precise selection ù for example, when you fix a small scratch in a photo or cut out an area in an object ù itÆs often best to zoom in on the area youÆre working on. To quickly change the view, click the arrow next to the Zoom box on the toolbar and select a zoom percentage. You can also use the Pan and Zoom window and the commands on the View menu to:
Zoom in or out You can zoom in to get a close-up view of your picture or zoom out to see more of the picture at a reduced size. Zoom in and out by using the Pan and Zoom window
Pan the workspace When objects are out of view, you can quickly pan the workspace to see them. Pan the workspace by using the Pan and Zoom window
Use the Intellimouse to scroll and zoom If you have a Microsoft IntelliMouse pointing device, you can use it to quickly scroll or zoom in and out of the workspace. Scroll and zoom by using the Microsoft IntelliMouse pointing device
View a selection You can adjust the view to show whatever is selected in the workspace. Zoom to show a selected object
View only the picture area You can adjust the view to show only the picture area. Zoom to show the picture area
View all objects You can adjust the view to show all objects in the picture and scratch areas. Zoom to show all objects in the picture and scratch areas